The Naruto serial is one of the nearly well-known franchises worldwide. The series follows a immature ninja named Naruto Uzumaki, who strives to become the Hokage of his village, the Hidden Leaf. Although he has the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed inside him and is shunned considering of information technology, he works hard to go strong.

Together with the sequel series Naruto Shippuden, the anime ran for 15 years from October 3, 2002, to March 23, 2017. Along with the series came many story arcs. Here are all of the story arcs in both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden , in chronological social club.

49 Prologue — Land Of Waves (Naruto / Episodes 1—19)

Prologue — Land Of Waves ran from episodes 1 to 19 in the originalNarutoanime. Fans tin can fondly remember the series's debut, with the first serious mission Team 7 causing them to come across Zabuza and Haku—the well-nigh well-liked villains in the series.

This arc shows Team 7 getting into the first stages of understanding how serious being a ninja tin exist, as well as agreement not every ninja is a clear-cutting definition of "evil" and "good"—as Zabuza ended upward realizing what was truly important to him in the finish.

48 Chunin Exams (Naruto / Episodes xx—67)

The Chunin Exams Arc ran from episodes xx to 67 in the original Naruto anime. The chunin exams had the ninja handle some of the toughest tests thrown their mode, from them attempting to figure out how to truly work together, from participating to about-decease battles in the Forest of Death.

This arc marked the first advent of Orochimaru, fully displayed all of the Kohona xi, and introduced Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro.

47 Konoha Crush (Naruto / Episodes 68—80)

The Konoha Crush Arc ran from episodes 68 to eighty in the original Naruto anime. Earlier the chunin exams could even go into their final stages, Orochimaru attacked the Hidden Foliage, to which Hiruzen—the Third Hokage—and his pupil battled to the death.

Although his expiry was ultimately in vain, the impact it left on the characters—and especially Naruto—could exist felt throughout the village, which kicked off the next arc.

46 Search For Tsunade (Naruto / Episodes 81—100)

The Search For Tsunade Arc ran from episodes 81 to 100 in the original Naruto anime. Subsequently the Third Hokage'southward death, the running for a new Hokage to fill up the previous one's shoes began. This also marked the kickoff appearance of the Akatsuki, which revealed that Itachi Uchiha—Sasuke's brother who massacred his entire clan—was a part of it.

Naruto went on a journey together with Jiraiya where he offset trained to primary the Rasengan and had Orochimaru and Jiraiya both competing to recruit her.

45 Land Of Tea Escort Mission (Naruto / Episodes 102—106)

The Land Of Tea Escort Mission Arc ran from episodes 102 to 106 in the original Naruto anime. As a filler arc, it followed Team 7 on a mission that wasn't mentioned in the manga. The plot was uncomplicated—to help a genin from the Hidden Leaf, Idate Morino, win a race.

The reason for this is the shortage of jonin after Orochimaru attacks the Subconscious Leaf, then Team seven was the only pick left to assist the Wasabi family on an escort mission.

44 Sasuke Recovery Mission (Naruto / Episodes 107—135)

The Sasuke Recovery Mission Arc ran from episodes 107 to 135 in the original Naruto anime. After Sasuke received his curse mark from Orochimaru during the chunin exams and was called weak past Itachi during the Search For Tsunade, Sasuke wanted more than power.

To practice and so, he decided to get out the village—leading to the Hidden Leaf'south Konoha xi to search for him with the lodge to stop him from joining Orochimaru, no matter what. Naruto and Sasuke had their starting time fight at the Valley of the End in this story arc, and information technology was the last canonical arc in the originalNaruto series while the residue were fillers.

43 Land Of Rice Fields Investigation Mission (Naruto / Episodes 136—141)

The State of Rice Fields Investigation Mission Arc ran from episodes 136 to 141 in the original Naruto anime. Subsequently Sasuke departed and defected to Orochimaru's side, only Naruto and Sakura were left of Team 7.

During this fourth dimension, Jiraiya took the helm, and they went on a mission to investigate Orochimaru's whereabouts, hoping to get more information on Sasuke.

42 Mizuki Tracking Mission (Naruto / Episodes 142—147)

The Mizuki Tracking Mission Arc ran from episodes 142 to 147 in the original Naruto anime. Mizuki was the original antagonist responsible for Naruto gaining the information most the sacred ninja scroll that had the Shadow Clone Jutsu written inside of information technology.

In this story arc, Iruka gains the help and support of Naruto to recapture Mizuki.

41 Bikochu Search Mission (Naruto / Episodes 148—151)

The Bikochu Search Mission Arc ran from episodes 148 to 151 in the original Naruto anime. Instead of teaming upwardly with Sakura or the remainder of Team seven, Naruto instead joins Team 8, so he can aid search for the rare bikochu beetle—an insect that was used by the Aburame clan with the capabilities of searching for anything that was lost.

Naruto planned to utilize the forehead protector Sasuke left behind to search for Sasuke by his odor. The arc was well-received for its comedic undertones and the advent of four rarely appearing characters; Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inazuka, and Akamaru.

twoscore Kurosuki Family Removal Mission (Naruto / Episodes 152—157)

The Kurosaki Family Removal Mission Arc ran from episodes 152 to 157 in the original Naruto anime. As some other comedic filler arc, this time, it featured Team Guy and supernatural happenings. Although all Naruto wishes to practise is train, Jiraiya is nowhere to exist plant.

As he has zero else to exercise, he decides to bring together Team Guy with their mission of dealing with the Kurosaki family—namely, a jonin from the family named Raiga Kurosaki.

39 Gosunkugi Capture Mission (Naruto / Episodes 159—160)

The Gosunkugi Capture Mission Arc ran from episodes 159 to 160 in the original Naruto anime. Naruto over again heads out together with Team 8 to aid a bounty hunter and bladesmith named Sazanami—formerly known as Tokichi—assist clear his proper noun.

While they are out searching for Gosunkugi, they come up beyond him instead and vow to help articulate his proper noun, together with trying to find the elusive ninja they were sent to find.

38 Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission (Naruto / Episodes 162—167)

The Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission Arc ran from episodes 162 to 167 in the original Naruto anime. Naruto once more decides to bring together an excursion of ninja, this time equanimous of Tenten and Rock Lee, as they become on to explore a ghost.

They do so by heading to the Country of Birds—a small country in theNarutouniverse between the Land of Current of air and the Land of Earth.

37 Kaima Capture Mission (Naruto / Episodes 169—173)

The Kaima Capture Mission Arc ran from episodes 169 to 173 in the original Naruto anime. The team that Naruto joins is composed of Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, and Shino Aburame.

Anko is on the lookout man for information near her onetime teacher, then Naruto decides to join her and then he can try and get any information almost Sasuke's whereabouts.

36 Buried Gold Excavation Mission (Naruto / Episodes 175—176)

The Buried Gold Digging Mission Arc ran from episodes 175 to 176 in the original Naruto anime. Team 8's teamwork is defective, then Naruto is paired upward with Kiba and Hinata so he can somehow help them ameliorate information technology. In truth, this is because they all have low success rates with each of their missions—excluding Shino—and Tsunade has noticed this.

Kiba rarely listens, Naruto runs headfirst into bug, and Hinata avoids confrontation, wasting her capabilities. Tsunade then gives them an ultimatum—either improve their teamwork or exist sent dorsum to the Academy to redo their ninja grooming.

35 Star Guard Mission (Naruto / Episodes 178—183)

The Star Guard Mission Arc ran from episodes 178 to 183 in the original Naruto anime. Perhaps the most well-known filler arc is the Star Baby-sit Mission Arc—and for a good reason. The story follows Naruto and Team Guy equally they head to Hoshigakure to help the villagers protect their sacred star, but much more than was put into the story.

The characters Sumaru and Natsuhi, in particular, turned into fan-favorite filler characters, and the lullaby "Natsuhiboshi" turned into quite a heartfelt memory.

34 Peddlers Escort Mission (Naruto / Episodes 187—191)

The Peddlers Escort Mission Arc ran from episodes 187 to 191 in the original Naruto anime. This filler episode follows Naruto as he goes on a mission with Hinata Hyuga and Chojo Akimichi to protect peddlers traveling from the State of Vegetables.

A trio targets them called the Janin—3 brothers who tin can apply special jutsu and use it for evil instead of good.

33 Tertiary Great Animal Arc (Naruto / Episodes 195—196)

3rd Great Brute Arc ran from episodes 195 to 196 in the original Naruto anime. This arc has more than of a focus on Might Guy and Stone Lee. Together with the two, Naruto helps Might Guy be wrapped up in Yagura's—a genin from the Hidden Leaf Village—plot and thirst for revenge.

Although Might Guy was supposedly supposed to train him, he did not, which resulted in him trying to get revenge against him.

32 Konoha Plans Recapture Mission (Naruto / Episodes 197—201)

The Konoha Plans Recapture Mission Arc ran from episodes 197 to 201 in the original Naruto anime. This arc focuses on the Konoha 11 joining together to assistance protect the village once over again, equally it targets attacks—such as Orochimaru's failed invasion.

This time, Naruto and the Konoha 11 piece of work together to stop a ninja from the Kagero Village from destroying their home.

31 Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission (Naruto / Episodes 203—207)

The Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission Arc ran from episodes 203 to 207 in the original Naruto anime. This arc focuses on none other than Team 8'south leader Kurenai Yuhi.

Patently, Yakumo Kurama is the last remaining fellow member of the Kurama association, a clan skilled with genjutsu and has valuable kekkei genkai users. She is in danger, and Naruto joins Kurenai in helping rescue her from her attackers.

xxx Gantetsu Escort Mission (Naruto / Episodes 209—212)

Gantetsu Escort Mission ran from episodes 209 to 212 in the original Naruto anime. Naruto teams up with both Sakura and Lee to help aid in transferring a criminal to prison house.

Said criminal is a role of the Shinobazu and is extremely unsafe, leading to various difficulties with their mission.

29 Menma Memory Search Mission (Naruto / Episodes 213—215)

Menma Retentivity Search Mission ran from episodes 213 to 215 in the originalNarutoanime. Menma is a ninja who was from the Land of Rice Fields, but he has amnesia. Naruto decides to help the young boy regain his lost memories.

As they grow closer, Naruto and Menma become fast friends—but not everything is every bit information technology seems with Menma or the people who are after his life.

28 Sunagakure Support Mission (Naruto / Episodes 216—220)

Sunagakure Support Mission ran from episodes 216 to 220 in the original Naruto anime. The last filler arc in theNarutoserial that wraps up everything has the Konoha 11 caput to the Village Hidden in the Sand to help reduce a girl named Matsuri.

The Four Celestial Symbols Men captured the genin from the Village Subconscious in the Sand, and she has no one to rely upon likewise them—and Gaara—to rescue her.

27 Kazekage Rescue Mission (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 1—32)

The Kazekage Rescue Mission Arc ran from episodes 1 to 32 in theNaruto Shippuden anime. The starting time arc of the series follows Gaara being targeted by the Akatsuki to extract Shukaku—the One-Tails—from him.

From the battle confronting Sasori, Sakura, and Lady Chiyo to Naruto trying desperately to rescue his friend, the first story arc kicked offNaruto Shipudden was memorable.

26 Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 33—53)

The Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission Arc ran from episodes 33 to 53 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. The new Team seven at present features a ninja who goes by the name Sai and is led by Kakashi Hatake—every bit he feels guilt for letting down his team.

Together, the four of them head to Tenchi Bridge to follow Sasuke and bring him back to the Subconscious Leaf. This story arc features the boxing Naruto had with Orochimaru and showed how the Ix-Tailed Play a trick on could control him.

25 Twelve Guardian Ninja (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 54—71)

The Twelve Guardian Ninja Arc ran from episodes 54 to 71 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This is the first filler arc ofNaruto Shippudenand shows Naruto'south training to get better at chakra control and his wind nature with Kakashi and Asuma.

It also features the filler grapheme Sora—a monk from the Country of Burn who is the pseudo-jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

24 Akatsuki Suppression Mission (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 72—88)

The Akatsuki Suppression Mission Arc ran from episodes 72 to 88 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This story arc introduced the Akatsuki members Hidan and Kakazu—with Hidan being both hated and loved for taking the life of Asuma Sarutobi.

Together with the outset catechism one, this arc showed how much darkerNaruto Shippudenwas in comparing to the original series, as it showed that people could die.

23 Three-Tails' Appearance (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 89—112)

The Three-Tails' Appearance Arc ran from episodes 89 to 112 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This arc introduced another filler character who fans grew to love—Guren.

This story arc showed the Hidden Leaf Village, the Akatsuki, and Squad Guren's efforts to capture the Three-Tails—a Tailed Beast, used to reside inside Yagura Karatachi, the 4th Mizukage who lost his life after having information technology extracted from him.

22 Itachi Pursuit Mission (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 113—118)

The Itachi Pursuit Mission Arc ran from episodes 113 to 118 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. The anime began to focus more on Sasuke effectually this part, as it showed both Sasuke and Naruto's attempts to find Itachi.

Sasuke also formed the offset iteration of Taka—a group composed of Suigetsu Hozuki, Jugo, and Karin Uzumaki.

21 Kakashi Gaiden (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 119—120)

The Kakashi Gaiden Arc ran from episodes 119 to 120 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This two-episode story arc adapted the side storyThe Kakashi Side Story ~ A Boy's Life on the Battlefield ~.

Information technology explained Kakashi's backstory in-depth, how he dealt with being on Team Minato, his rivalry with Obito, and his past with his father, who took his ain life due to guilt.

20 Tale Of Jiraiya The Gallant (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 127—133)

The Tale Of Jiraiya, The Gallant Arc, ran from episodes 127 to 133 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This story arc followed Jiraiya every bit he discovered that Pain was really Nagato—his beginning and former pupil—and his journey to finish him from attacking the Hidden Leafage Village.

Jiraiya lost his life to him and the six other Pains, but he still went out with a grin—and one that fans couldn't help but cry nearly.

19 Fated Battle Between Brothers (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 134—143)

The Fated Battle Between Brothers Arc ran from episodes 134 to 143 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. After Jiraiya's expiry, the next story arc dealt with Sasuke finding Itachi first and contesting him to fight death.

Although the battle was wonderful, the one thing fans will remember from this story arc is how Itachi turned out not to be as big as a villain the story led others to believe.

18 Six-Tails Unleashed (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 144—151)

The Six-Tails Unleashed Arc ran from episodes 144 to 151 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. The arc introduced some other filler character named Utakata, who was as well the jinchuriki of the 6-Tails.

He has a educatee named Hotaru, who he cares about dearly, although he doesn't express it as much every bit he should.

17 Pain's Assault (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 152—169 & 172—175)

The Pain Set on Arc ran from episodes 152 to 175 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. The arc featured the long-awaited battle between Naruto and Jiraiya'due south former student and killer, Hurting—otherwise known as Nagato.

Including this, it as well featured that Naruto is really the son of the 4th Hokage that he admired and then much and the dearest memorable confession from Hinata.

sixteen Past Arc: The Locus Of Konoha (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 176—196)

The Past Arc: The Locus Of Konoha Arc ran from episodes 176 to 196 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This story arc is different from every other filler arc shown thus far, equally it was shown from multiple perspectives.

The arc featured imagery from Iruka's beginning meeting with Naruto from Kakashi'due south thoughts when he was first put in charge of Team vii.

fifteen Five Kage Summit (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 197—214)

The V Kage Summit Arc ran from episodes 197 to 214 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. The famed Kage Summit focuses on Naruto with a more than unhappy and hopeless demeanor than usual, every bit he wishes to ask the Kage not to execute Sasuke for his crimes.

It besides introduces the more serious version of Tobi, the Akatsuki fellow member no ane truly cared about until he showed he was dangerous afterward killing Konan at the end of the Pain Assault Arc.

14 Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 215—222)

The Quaternary Shinobi Earth State of war: Countdown Arc ran from episodes 215 to 222 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. After Sakura attempts to "impale" Sasuke with a poisoned kunai after declining to sway Naruto with a lie, Naruto and Sasuke battle again.

This besides marks the beginning traces of the war and shows Sasuke'south hellbent focus on getting revenge on the Hidden Leaf Village for causing Itachi to endure.

thirteen Paradise Life On A Boat (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 223—242)

The Paradise Life On A Gunkhole Arc ran from episodes 223 to 242 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This is maybe the about disliked arc from theNaruto Shippudenfranchise, as it made its debut during the height of the Quaternary Shinobi Earth State of war.

If it were placed anywhere else, fans would've probably liked information technology better. This story arc focuses on Naruto and the residue of the squad as they search for the Land of Lighting atop a boat and so they can continue him in that location during the war.

12 Quaternary Shinobi World War: Confrontation (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 261—270, 272—289, 296—31 & 312—321)

The Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation Arc ran from episodes 261 to 321, with various fillers and intermission in betwixt, in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This part of the state of war introduces the reincarnated Hokage and other famous ninja every bit they bring together the fray.

Naruto cannot only meet his father in person—albeit sadly—but information technology turns out that he doesn't even have all of Kurama sealed inside of him. Information technology also shows Naruto momentarily lose hope, to which he regains it after the aid of Hinata and the rest of the ninja.

eleven Ability (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 290—295)

The Power Arc ran from episodes 290 to 395 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This arc was a special instance, every bit it was created to commemorate the serial reaching 500 episodes.

The arc features Naruto and the rest of Team 7 investigating a mysterious incident.

10 Fourth Shinobi Earth War: Climax (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 322—348 & 362—375)

The Fourth Shinobi Globe War: Climax Arc ran from episodes 322 to 375 in the Naruto Shippuden anime.

At the climax of the Fourth Shinobi Globe War, information technology featured all of the Kage fighting together to defeat Madara.

9 Kakashi's Anbu Arc: The Shinobi That Lives In The Darkness (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 349—361)

The Kakashi Anbu ran from episodes 349 to 361 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This story arc features Kakashi as the protagonist, every bit well as Itachi as a supporting character.

This story arc gives an in-depth await at his background in the Anbu and the backstories of Yamato. It fifty-fifty gives more than insight into Itachi as a character.

eight Nascence Of The Ten-Tails' Jinchuriki (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 378—388, 391—393, 414—421 & 424—431)

The Birth Of The Ten-Tails' Jinchuriki Arc ran from episodes 378 to 431, with various fillers and intermission in betwixt, in the Naruto Shippuden anime.

The war is heating up, and Obito becomes the jinchuriki for the Ten-Tails amongst everything that has transpired.

7 Jiraiya Shinobi Handbook: The Tale Of Naruto The Hero (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 432—450)

The Jiraiya Shinobi Handbook: The Tale Of Naruto The Hero Arc ran from episodes 432 to 450 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This story arc is both satisfying however sad.

It features a story-within-a-story type of tale and focuses on a novel written by Jiraiya. Inside it, anybody is friends, Tsunade'due south family isn't dead, and her fiance became the Hokage.

6 Kaguya Otsutsuki Strikes (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 451—455, 458—468 & 470—479)

The Kaguya Otsutsuki Arc ran from episodes 451 to 479, with diverse fillers and intermission in between, in the Naruto Shippuden anime. The first advent of Kaguya shows the looming cease to the war and the backstory of the character.

In this story arc, Kaguya'southward sons are too explained in detail and the parallels between them and Naruto and Sasuke.

5 Itachi Shinden Book: Light And Darkness (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 452—458)

Itachi Shinden Book: Light And Darkness ran from episodes 452 to 458 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This arc actually serves every bit an break in between Kaguya'due south appearance.

It focuses on Itachi's life before the Uchiha Clan Downfall, as well every bit his best friend, Shisui. Aside from showing him training from a immature age, information technology likewise gives more than insight into his thoughts and why he did everything the mode he did.

4 Childhood (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 480—483)

The Childhood Arc ran from episodes 480 to 483 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This story arc is unique, every bit it shows both a Function A and Part B for each character and how their memories connect with the other.

For example, two of the offset episodes are called "Naruto and Hinata" and "Sasuke and Sakura" and evidence their precious memories at that time in their childhood.

iii Sasuke Shinden: Book Of Sunrise (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 484—488)

Sasuke Shinden: Book Of Sunrise ran from episodes 484 to 488 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This arc adapts the low-cal novel of the same name from Sasuke's point of view.

Afterwards the Fourth Shinobi State of war, Sasuke becomes a wanderer and goes on various missions. The story arc, in particular, focuses on Sasuke meeting a young girl named Chino, a kunoichi from the deceased Chinoike clan.

ii Shikamaru Hiden: A Deject Drifting In Silent Darkness (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 489—493)

Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting In Silent Darkness ran from 489 to 493 in the Naruto Shippuden anime. This arc adapts the calorie-free novel of the aforementioned name from Shikamaru's betoken of view.

It focuses on Shikamaru'due south life two years after the Fourth Shinobi Globe War and takes place after Sasuke Shinden: Volume Of Sunrise. Information technology deals with Shikamaru taking time to reflect on his life and his ever-growing pile of responsibilities.

1 Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day For A Wedding (Naruto Shippuden / Episodes 494—500)

Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day For A Wedding ran from episodes 494 to 500—the final episode of theNaruto Shippuden anime. The Naruto series's final arc finishes with the Konaha 11 and the rest of the important people to Naruto and Hinata trying to figure out what they should go for their wedding.

Information technology is a relaxing and comedic couple of episodes that finish with diverse conversations betwixt characters. It also shows the character growth and impacts Naruto had on everyone in his life.

 Adjacent: 10 Times Naruto Proved He Loved Hinata

Next 10 Anime Guys Who Never Need Rescuing

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